Friday, April 30, 2010
TRY magazine

(image of TRY issue 32)
When I say there's no other time I'd rather be alive than now, it's because of poetry, and it's because of communities of poets, and it's because of their commitment to poetry, one another, and how they express themselves. And their magazines. One of my absolute favorite poetry magazines is TRY, out of the Bay Area. It reminds me of BLANK GUN SILENCER, and a few others from the 80's, fast, put together fast, lovingly, the urgency of YOU HAVE TO READ THIS NOW is all over what David Brazil and Sara Larsen are doing. And the Bay Area is an amazing home of poetry, which I love just about as much as Philadelphia and Baltimore!
The cover to issue 32 is above. Some AMAZING poems by Suzanne Stein, Alli Warren, Brandon Brown, Clark Coolidge, Julian of Nowherr, Gary Sullivan, and others! David and Sara agreed to a mini interview about TRY. One question I almost asked but wanted to keep my own answer for the question to myself was, why call it TRY. It seems obvious, but then some things which seem obvious are not at all.
Hats off to David Brazil and Sara Larsen, two marvelous poets putting out one of the best poetry magazines of our time!
Enjoy the interview below which we conducted via e-mail,
To contact the editors:
TRY comes out twice a week, right? This obviously keeps you both busy for poetry, and do you do it for that reason? I mean do you do it to stay so absorbed for and in poetry? I think it's great whatever your reason!
TRY comes out once every two weeks, so roughly twice a month. Every so often this nutty schedule might be interrupted for a week or so because we are out of town, or out of money!
We started TRY mainly because there were some things that we really wanted to see in the poetry world and that we felt we could contribute. One is that we wanted something that reflected the more or less immediate concerns and poetics of the multiple communities we know of or have access to. We wanted circulation that didn't take months to come out, that we could all use and talk about immediately in any way that makes sense to us (all of us, i mean -- david and sara and anyone who might read TRY). and we wanted HARD COPY EVIDENCE THAT STICKS AROUND, i.e. not something floating around the bowels of the internet. something we could touch. we looked at the artists and writers we are into and we realized that we had access to work they did, 20, 40, 60 years ago! you know, we could find their little mags and all the fugitive work they did (in some cases, this "fugitive work" many years later became their best known work). we wanted to be part of that. we wanted to express immediacy, as well as be of use hopefully somewhere decades ahead.
And now that we've been around for almost 2 years (it will be 2 years on May 30!), we definitely consider ourselves lucky to have access to and read and publish the many unbelievable writers that have come to our pages, both well known and not-as-known. the "known" part doesn't matter, as much as the work does and most of the work seems to reflect a poetic renaissance - or perhaps i should say the work reflects multiple renaissances - who's artistic impulses are both multifarious and often seemingly at odds - but the "at odds" part doesn't seem to play out as much as the solidarity of writerly & artistic experiences / vocations / impulses. it's rad! we find it really exciting. and luckily, we've been able to cull it into a little nexus.
The covers are always an exciting thing to study. What's the process behind the covers you put together?
The covers often present themselves sometime in the two weeks before we sit down to cut and paste the next issue together. I'd say there is often a synchronicity to what we think of secretly as our reigning motif of the issue (which we don't announce ever, except maybe occasionally when drunk at parties) and our "discovery" of what the cover will be.
Tell us about some of the discoveries you've made as a result of doing this magazine.

Whoa. We've (re)discovered that one can certainly be super-broke and still create something like this. You might struggle, but it's possible. Not only is it possible, it's an imperative. It's (part of) why TRY is called TRY! We live in a culture that is basically trying to kill us all creatively. and we have to find strategies to not let that happen. We just can't let it happen. It's amazing how the "little things" like making a bi-monthly poetry/art zine, turn out to not be so little in this regard.
It's difficult for us to get it out here on the east coast. Is there a way to get it? A subscription? Part of me loves how you let it migrate with the tides of poets coming in and out of the Bay Area, but it would also be great for people to get their hands on TRY all over the place.
Yeah, how to circulate it to other places beyond the Bay Area has always been a little bit hard for us to figure out. I mean, even around here, you aren't going to get a copy unless you are at the reading or readings where we are giving it away. It's just a limitation we've come up against.
Initially, we were sending the magazine to people out there randomly, but we were too overtaxed and something needed to be cut out in order for us to continue having the energy to make the magazine at all - so the mailing was cut out. Also, it was costing us alot of money that we didn't really have. But we would love to figure out some way to make it work. So far, our best idea has been loading up visiting poets (and there are many!) with TRY's to distribute in their hometown. Sometimes this is somewhere on the east coast, sometimes it's Portland, or LA, or Cinncinnati, or Toronto or wherever. And we'll continue to do that because it's important to us that the TRY world both represent and reach other places beyond the Bay Area. And the responses to it are so wonderful. We love writers everywhere. But the limitations to sending it all over the place are basically temporal and financial, so it might just have to space travel in this bizarre zig-zag way. And the rebellious non-official punk rock part of us enjoys that zig-zag, we must admit.

(image of TRY issue 33)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, RYAN ECKES, RICK SNYDER AND SEAN FITTS at Mostly Books, 529 Bainbridge St., 9pm
SATURDAY, MAY 1ST, 7pm, NPP Presents Sueyeun Juliette Lee & Erica Kaufman. Fergie’s Pub, 1214 Sansom Street.
SUNDAY, MAY 2ND, 1PM TO 4PM, ZOE STRAUSS, her last I-95 Show! (Zoe has JUST been offered a solo show at Philadelphia Museum of Art, CONGRATULATIONS ZOE!)
(posted by CAConrad)
SATURDAY, MAY 1ST, 7pm, NPP Presents Sueyeun Juliette Lee & Erica Kaufman. Fergie’s Pub, 1214 Sansom Street.
SUNDAY, MAY 2ND, 1PM TO 4PM, ZOE STRAUSS, her last I-95 Show! (Zoe has JUST been offered a solo show at Philadelphia Museum of Art, CONGRATULATIONS ZOE!)
(posted by CAConrad)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
years later

years ago I tried with friends
THIS TIME THOUGH in Baltimore with
Debrah Morkun, Jamie Townsend
and Dorothea Lasky it was
the right time I guess
photo by Dottie THANKS
so glad we found Divine!
FINALLY, with love, CAConrad
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Two Readings this Saturday, April 24th
At Giovanni's Room, 12th & Pine, at 5:30:
Philip Clark, Janet Mason, Jim Cory, Kyle Conner and Steve Potter will read in support of a new anthology, Persistent Voices: Poetry by Writers Lost to AIDS.
At Chapterhouse Cafe, 9th & Bainbridge, at 8:00:
Lewis Warsh and Brandon Holmquest will read from their new work. Details here.
- R Eckes
Philip Clark, Janet Mason, Jim Cory, Kyle Conner and Steve Potter will read in support of a new anthology, Persistent Voices: Poetry by Writers Lost to AIDS.
At Chapterhouse Cafe, 9th & Bainbridge, at 8:00:
Lewis Warsh and Brandon Holmquest will read from their new work. Details here.
- R Eckes
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Details HERE
April 22nd, 6 to 8pm
at The Institute of Contemporary Art
118 S. 36th Street,
(posted by CAConrad)
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
for everyone...

p.s. a MAGNETAR (according to Wikipedia's definition) "is a type of neutron star with an extremely powerful magnetic field, the decay of which powers the emission of copious amounts of high-energy...." HOW'S THAT FOR SUPER POWERED FENG SHUI????
new review of...
...The City Real & Imagined in the latest isssue of SINK REVIEW, which you can read by clicking HERE.
Monday, April 12, 2010

GREG BEM of The New Philadelphia Poets recorded the HERETICAL TEXT reading at the University of the Arts the other night. THANKS GREG! I actually didn't realize it, and had JUST this morning wished that we had recorded it! WISH COMES TRUE TONIGHT!
CLICK HERE for the download!
We had a great night! MANY THANKS to Juliette and Patrick for finding us this marvelous spot and introducing!
CLICK HERE for the download!
We had a great night! MANY THANKS to Juliette and Patrick for finding us this marvelous spot and introducing!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
HERETICAL TEXT this saturday!!!!

University of the Arts
in Philadelphia presents
April 10th
at 8pm
Corner of Walnut and Broad
in the Connelly Auditorium, 7th floor
(ENTER on Broad Street through the door between Rite Aide and the Italian restaurant, you will need to show I.D. at the desk to enter, EVENT IS FREE)
HERETICAL TEXT Books are published by Factory School, and this Philly event is the only time all 5 authors will be reading together! See book links below! SEE YOU ON THE 10TH!
Kate Schapira's book HERE
Allison Cobb's book HERE
Sueyeun Juliette Lee's book HERE
Simone White's book HERE
CAConrad & Frank Sherlock's book HERE
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Friday, April 02, 2010
Oppen URCHIN 4/11/10
Thursday, April 01, 2010
THANK YOU A. D. Amorosi and Tara Murtha for writing about the Philly poetry scene in The City Paper and Philadelphia Weekly. AND HOPE YOU ALL CAN MAKE IT TO THE BIG HERETICAL TEXT EVENT APRIL 10TH IN PHILLY, CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS! See you there, CAConrad