Sunday, January 31, 2010
Conrad & Sherlock on

Thanks much to Autumn Konopka for the thoughtful interview & article that's just been posted on check it out.
See you on Wednesday.
- Frank Sherlock
Friday, January 29, 2010
readings from The City Real & Imagined

Sunday, 1/31 at ZINC in NYC, details HERE
Wedensday, 2/3 at the ICA, details HERE
Have a great weekend, see you soon,
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Howard Zinn (1922-2010)

Here's a tribute to the People's Historian with Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Naomi Klein and Anthony Arnove.
- Frank Sherlock
Found Photo
- Frank Sherlock
Our friend John Coletti just wrote saying "nice post by Ron." This is lovely, this post by Silliman, which I did not see coming! And to think that I ALMOST won the Benjamin Franklin look-alike contest due to Cindy Burstein loaning me her round spectacles to make me more of a spectacle! HEHEHE!
save Elizabeth Robinson's seat

While I've never been to Naropa, and don't know her personally, I'm a fan of her poems, and don't mind one bit signing based solely on the poems. You'll need the password "saveERnow" in order to sign in. WHY one needs a password to sign an online petition is beyond me. OH, AND DO NOT BE FOOLED by the window which follows your initial signing of the petition, the one which asks you for a donation to the site, automatically asking you for 10 dollars. Just ignore it!
The petition is AT THIS LINK
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
for TODAY ONLY!!!!!!!
this note from Brandon Shimoda at WAVE Books:
ONE DAY ONLY: In conjunction with Obama's State of the Union Address tonight (9 pm EST), Wave Books is offering a supreme discount on the REAL address: STATE OF THE UNION: 50 POLITICAL POEMS, an anthology featuring poems by 50 contemporary poets. $5 for a softcover edition, available today only and only through the Wave website here:
posted by CAConrad
ONE DAY ONLY: In conjunction with Obama's State of the Union Address tonight (9 pm EST), Wave Books is offering a supreme discount on the REAL address: STATE OF THE UNION: 50 POLITICAL POEMS, an anthology featuring poems by 50 contemporary poets. $5 for a softcover edition, available today only and only through the Wave website here:
posted by CAConrad
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
...i am too drukn to writ4e anthing else. But to seay that Frank Sherlock and I were out celebrating the 3red anniversary of his not dyng.
It's beautifjl. It's marvelous when friends don't die, forgive my post,
It's beautifjl. It's marvelous when friends don't die, forgive my post,
Monday, January 25, 2010
Elective Affinities

Elective Affinities is a new online cooperative anthology of U.S. contemporary poets edited by Carlos Soto Roman. So far, the poets who appear are David Wolach, myself, Hailey Higdon, Marion Bell, Laura Sims, Thom Donovan, Julia Bloch, and CAConrad. Each of the poets' given affinities will appear as part of the anthology in the future. The inclusion process is viral and ongoing- and I like that idea. There are also Elective Affinities anthologies for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Italy, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela. Check them out!
- Frank Sherlock
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Comedy Meltdown by Aaron Belz

You'll want to check out Comedy Meltdown - the new video from Aaron Belz.
& keep an eye out for Lovely, Rasberry. It's Aaron's new book soon to be available from Persea Books.
- Frank Sherlock
Saturday, January 23, 2010
95 Cent Skool: Summer Seminar in Social Poetics

I'm very excited about this, so I'm passing it on!!!
- Frank Sherlock
The 95 Cent Skool is a 6 day long experimental seminar that will be offered in Oakland, California, July 26-31, 2010. It is convened by Joshua Clover and Juliana Spahr. It will explore the possibilities of poetry writing as part of a larger social practice, at a distance from the economic and professional expectations of institutions. We believe a dozen people sitting around a table can’t ruin poetry, but that costs, professional context, mythologies of individual genius, and client/service-based models can — and in our own experiences teaching in pay-to-play writing programs, often do.
Our concerns in these six days begin with the assumption that poetry has a role to play in the larger political and intellectual sphere of contemporary culture, and that any poetry which subtracts itself from such engagements is no longer of interest. “Social poetics” is not a settled category, and does not necessarily refer to poetry espousing a social vision. It simply assumes that the basis of poetry is not personal expression or the truth of any given individual, but shared social struggle.
The 6 days will feature:
• Morning discussion groups lead by Juliana and Joshua
• Two guest speakers: one on the political economy and one on ecology
• Afternoon group and/or collaborative writing sessions
• Dinners and drinks at a nearby bar
The 6 days will not feature:
• Workshops led by a “master poet”
• Agents or editors who will advise your work into publication
• A Richard Wilbur Celebration Night
• Instruction in reciting poetry to bring out the emotional content of the poem
The final program will be available later in the Spring.
Each participant will be asked to contribute up to 1% of annual gross income as their 95 cents exclusively towards operating expenses. The workshop leaders and as many other organizers as possible will donate their time. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Email us if you’ve got questions about how much you can pay. We will also help in finding free housing for any participants in need.
The program is open to any interested participant with any level of prior engagement with poetry. This program is not affiliated with any institution of higher education and no transferrable institutional credit will be offered. There is no application fee, but space is limited. Please send a note indicating interest and experience to
Please feel encouraged to re/post this listing to your blog or otherwise redistribute. If you would like to receive further information about the 95 Cent Skool, please email the address above, or join the 95 Cent Skool facebook group:
The 95 Cent Skool will happen with the support of Small Press Traffic and 'A 'A Arts.
Thank you very much,
the 95¢ Skoolers —
Friday, January 22, 2010
1/24/10 astral poetry transmissions

On Sunday, January 24th, CAConrad will visit The California College of the Arts in San Francisco by way of astral poetry travel.
Poets David Buuck and Jen Benka will be in front of the college at a table with crystal infused water (Fiji has one of the highest silica infusions on our planet) from 1:30pm to 3:00pm Pacific Time. Passersby will drink the water and TUNE IN as David and Jen bring CAConrad in via astral transmission, as he meditates on the same source of crystal infused water in his little apartment in Philadelphia.
Poets will record sensations and messages from either end of the cosmic correspondence.
If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, or know anyone in the Bay Area who would be interested in participating, get yourselves to
The California College of the Arts
1111 8th Street
Sunday, January 17, 2010
FREE Sasha Fletcher!
NO, Sasha's not in jail! But if you order any book from Greying Ghost Press you get a free copy of Sasha's new chapbook, We Are All Of Us Up To Something, but only while supplies last!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
THANK YOU A.D. Amorosi
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
OVER HERE in The San Francisco Bay Guardian

I'm both humbled and honored to be included as the only book of poetry on the list. I'm also glad to be selected on the basis of a less-than-conventional defintion of "sexy." See the entire article HERE.
- Frank Sherlock
Monday, January 11, 2010
Saturday, Dec. 16: Lin, Jaramillo, Green at Chapterhouse
Chapter & Verse kicks up again this Saturday, December 16th at 8pm
w/ readings from Daniel Lin, Laura Jaramillo, and Heather Green.
Details here.
- R Eckes
w/ readings from Daniel Lin, Laura Jaramillo, and Heather Green.
Details here.
- R Eckes
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
January 8th, 2010 is ELVIS' BIRTHDAY
RED NOIR, an Outrider FEAST!

Most of the lines are from Waldman's new book of poems RED NOIR, but there are also lines from Jack Kerouac's Mexico City Blues, the biography of Frederick Douglas, and Diane diPrima's famous line appears, "the only war that matters is the war against the imagination."
The acting of Sheila Dabney blew my mind right from the start. She has Outrider Outlaw stamped on her somewhere, no doubt about it! The intimate way the stage is set with the audience literally right up against the, and inside the, part of the, entire performance, gives us every turn of Sheila's eyes, limbs, her every mountainous syllable!
Audience participation isn't just mandatory, I mean to say by the time you're guided out of your seat to BECOME the play you already feel like you've been part of it. It feels entirely natural, the connectedness to the lines and to the actors as they gently direct you. We do reiki and meditative chanting, humming, and I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GIVE IT AWAY.
I'm no good at reviews because I'm always afraid I'll give too much away. If you don't see this play in its short run in New York City I'll be sad for you, whether you want me to be or not. I was sitting next to Wallace Shawn in the audience, but by the time we were guided into the magical fray I truly felt like I had acted in a play with Wallace Shawn, and that I should now be allowed to audition on Broadway and say so! Just kidding!
Another favorite of mine was Benjamin Cerf, who does work with Reverend Billy as part of the Life After Shopping Choir, he also works with THE YES MEN, Billionaires for Wealth Care, and calls himself an activist performer, which I like. Which makes so much sense that he would be in this very moving political drama of Waldman's.
Judith Malina, founder of The Living Theater in the 1940's directed this play, and was there in the audience.
Monday, January 04, 2010
for Penny Arcade
