Monday, March 30, 2009
This Thursday @ 6:30pm

Thursday, March 26, 2009
This Saturday, 3/28 @ Chapterhouse
at Chapterhouse Cafe, 620 S. 9th St.
There will be poetry & fiction by
Michelle Taranksy
Mecca Jamilah Sullivan
and John Gery
For more info:
- Ryan Eckes
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
This Sunday @ L'Etage! Buuck, Kaufman & Conrad
David Buuck lives in Oakland, California. He is the author of THE SHUNT, coming this spring from Palm Press, and _Buried Treasure Island_ (BARGE/YBCA 2008). He is contributing editor at *Artweek* & teaches at the San Francisco Art Institute and Bard College. More info at and
Erica Kaufman is the author of Censory Impulse (Factory School 2009) and co-curates Belladonna.
CAConrad is the self-described son of white trash asphyxiation whose childhood included selling cut flowers along the highway for his mother and helping her shoplift. He escaped to Philadelphia where he lives and writes with the PhillySound poets. His latest book The Book of Frank (Chax Press, 2009) received The Gil Ott Book Award. He is also the author of Deviant Propulsion (Soft Skull Press, 2006), (Soma)tic Midge (FAUX Press, 2008), and two forthcoming books, advanced ELVIS course (Soft Skull Press, 2009), and a collaboration with poet Frank Sherlock titled The City Real & Imagined: Philadelphia Poems (Factory School Press, 2009).
Hosted by yours truly.
- Frank Sherlock
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Richard Aoki 1938-2009

Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton ran the Black Panther Party's 10-Point Program by him before going to press, and it's popularly believed that Aoki gave the Panthers their first weapons. As an original member, he also helped train new recruits in the handling of their weapons and developed the "policing the police" tactics that brought the BPP to national attention.
In 1968, he was Field Marshall for the Black Panther Party. In 1969, he organized the Third World Student Strike at Berkely, which was successful in establishing the first Ethnic Studies program in the USA. He was one of the original coordinators of the university's Asian Studies Program. Recently he came out in support of Army First Lieutenant Ehren Watada, who was court martialled for his refusal to deploy to Iraq.
Check out this trailer for the 2006 documentary about the man Bobby Seale called "a radical Japanese cat."
- Frank Sherlock
Sunday, March 15, 2009
KWH this Saturday! March 21 @ 4pm

HEATHER CHRISTLE grew up in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. Her poems have recently appeared in Boston Review, 6X6, Fou, and No: a journal of the art. Octopus Books will publish her first poetry collection, "The Difficult Farm," later this year. She lives, studies and teaches in Western Massachusetts.
NATALIE LYALIN is the author of the forthcoming book "Pink and Hot Pink Habitat" (Coconut Books). She is the co-editor of GlitterPony magazine. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband and two cats.
CECILIA CORRIGAN is a poet and Penn undergraduate.
- Frank Sherlock