Friday, September 28, 2007
Click HERE, then scroll down to "a.rawlings: TORONTO" where you will find a link at the bottom of her bio which takes you to the details of her reading.
Thank you,
Thursday, September 27, 2007
This Saturday at 8pm at The Chapterhouse Cafe
(620 S. 9th St., between South and Bainbridge Streets)
there will be poetry and fiction by:
Kevin Varrone, author of g-point Almanac (6/21-9/21) and g-point Almanac (9/22-10/19). His first full length collection, g-point Almanac: id est, is due out from Instance Press this month.
Jenn McCreary, author of errata stigmata (Potes & Poets Press), four o'clock pocket chiming (BeautifulSwimmer Press), and a doctrine of signatures (Singing Horse Press). She co-edits ixnay press with Chris McCreary.
Christian TeBordo, recipient of a grant in fiction from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, author of The Conviction and Subsequent Life of Savior Neck and We Go Liquid, just out from Impetus Press.
(posted by CAConrad)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
This Friday!!!

Last week I posted an unsigned announcement of the publication of a book of poems (see below.) This announcement was widely read as an endorsement of these poems and of this poet, and inasmuch as it was unsigned, it was read as a community endorsement. I have since signed the announcement and, through email, apologized to the members of this blog. I do not intend to be representative of this community or to endorse this book or its poet in the name of others. I did not, in fact, intend to endorse this book at all, but rather to stimulate a critical discussion of editorship and of how poets have entered and manipulated a field of forces that appear where ever the desire to be read and the desire to be well-known must compete for meager funds. More than just poetry appears when a book of poems is printed, and I wanted others to write about the substantial remainder.
I believed that an announcement of the publication of this book would be adequate to these ends. The poet has not been reviewed favorably here. He has held (at times, I have heard) an antagonistic relationship with the opinions of this blog and a suspect relationship with some members of the Philadelphia poetry community. I do not care to write of the circumstances of these indictments of his person no more than I care to defend the poet of them.
This morning I was reminded that an announcement is not an endorsement, but neither is it implicitly or explicitly a critical discussion or a call to critical discussion. I should have set out in the announcement to contain any sense of an endorsement of this work and I should have called for a critical discussion. I do so now, and I invite those who wish to read this book and extend critical discussion of it to the politics of publishing to respond to me at
Will Esposito
"The McCarthys Needed a Poet"

Monday, September 24, 2007
New Chapbook from PhillySound Member Frank Sherlock

Wounds in an Imaginary Nature Show
by Frank Sherlock
The debut chapbook from Night Flag Books is now available for $5. For ordering information, contact NightFlagBooks.
If you have not yet seen a copy, you're missing some serious poetry goodness in a lovely package (cover by Amze Emmons). Get it. Read it. Live it.
~jenn mcc
Sunday, September 23, 2007
to clear up the confusion
Just wanted to clear that up,
Friday, September 21, 2007

has been released by Otoliths Press (Australia). Visit the website to read Opera Bufa or to order your copy.
--Will Esposito
Sunday, September 16, 2007
9/24/07-ODYSSEY poets on WXPN's LIVE at the Writers House click here
9/28/07-EILEEN MYLES, HAL SIROWITZ, CAConrad click here
Below is the cover of issue 1.1 (sold out), and below that is a call for submissions e-mail sent out today from Kathryn Pringle.

we are especially fond of LONG poems... please send up to 15 pages of work [any genre] to our submission period closes on 12/1/07. we are aiming for issue 1.2 to come out in feb 2008.
please keep in mind that we like to publish longer works, or a lot of pages per writer... this means that we will probably only have room for 10-15 writers per issue... this means that if we don't publish you it may just be a matter of space so please still love us anyway!
if you have any questions, backchannel me!
thanks! i hope you send!
(note: Kate also manages the minor american blog with Magdalena Zurawski)
Friday, September 14, 2007
new Draft...
-jenn mcc
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Who's Mad?
SONGS FROM UNDER THE BED -- only 3 more shows!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
death of trans immigrant Victoria Arellano while in detention forges united protest among prisoners
Monday, September 10, 2007
don't miss this reading!
SUNDAY, September 23rd
6pm SHARP, event is FREE
108 S. 13th St., Philadelphia
reading hosted by CAConrad

Jessica White, a member of PhillySound, lives and writes in Philadelphia. She is a graduate of Temple University and has been published in Eratio and Ocho.
Jaime Anne Earnest was born on a Monday in June in the fair city of Philadelphia, where she still resides with a spoiled British Shorthair cat, Face. She will happily kick your ass at mahjong or Trivial Pursuit any day of the week. And you can totally feel free to call her James at any juncture. Everybody does.
Joey Yearous-Algozin (pronounced you're us all goes in) was born in Madison, Wisconsin in 1980, He now lives in Philadelphia with his partner, Hailey, and is in his first year at Temple's poetry program.
CAMDEN 28 documentary airing on PBS on 9/11

Friday, September 07, 2007
arrests for anti-war postering, yes, I'm serious!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Kathryn Pannepacker & Corey Armpriester: ALLEGIANCE: WAR OR PEACE, the examination of contemporary war

This exhibition features the new works of two Philadelphia artists, Kathryn Pannepacker and Corey Armpriester, both of whom are addressing issues of contemporary war using the mediums of textiles and photography. Both artists are attempting to give voice to the confusion, frustration, apathy and complexity of being an American citizen during times of war.
Artist Kathryn Pannepacker's series Pretty Little Bombs skillfully conveys explosive tensions. Weaving with traditional materials (wool, cotton and jute), juxtaposed to unorthodox materials (paper matches and aluminum foil), she illustrates the power of what it means to ignite our hearts on fire ... for war or for peace. All this made evident with the consumption of idealized pedestrian symbols.
Artist Corey Armpriester’s series Whispers of Black holes are of television appropriations from film/video footage of today’s wars (in the Middle East ) on national and international news media. By creating iconic imagery of contemporary war via American television, he's retelling the story broadcast on the news with a subversive and sinister interpretation. Alongside of the appropriations are metaphorical portraits that demonstrate the United States Government perception of its citizens being potential terrorists that need surveillance via the Patriot Act.

Gallery information:
Contact person: Michael Seeber Tel:215-756-7999
Seeber Fine Arts Gallery, Philadelphia, PA,
Opening: Friday, September 14th, 5-9p.m
Closing: Sunday, September 23rd, 4-7p.m